The Gospel is as much about reaching out as it is about reaching in.

At First Irving we don't just meet, but we make disciples. We don't just reach in toward other members, but we reach out to the community, to the nation, and all the peoples of the world. Our Student ministry is no different, and has multiple ministry-specific efforts of community outreach. If you like to know more, or you would like to serve, there is a place for you!

McArthur Football Sponsorship

The Lord has blessed First Irving with a unique opening into the life of the McArthur Varsity Football Team. Our church members write the players notes of encouragement, got to their games, host a seasonal bible study, and throw a banquet for the team at the close of their season each year. Very few times does a church get the opportunity to speak into a public school, and we are committed to sharing the Gospel, through support and love for this group of kids, to the varsity team at MHS. This isn't about school pride, or about supported a specific group over others, but this is about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and sharing it with all as soon as the opportunity is presented to us. If you are interesting in helping with this outreach, we would love to have you on board!

Serve With Us Game Schedule