That Christ's Kingdom and His Glory may increase!

We exist to make disciples locally and globally for the glory of God.

Worship Gatherings

Gathering together in worship is essential to the overall health of God’s people. When we gather weekly as a people, to declare our love for the Lord and our dependence upon Him, we bring Him glory and encourage each other. This encouragement happens through corporate singing, praying for one another, and responding to the declaration of God’s Word, all for His glory. Join us for Small Groups at 9:30 AM and Corporate Worship at 10:45 AM.

Worship with Us


Jesus called His church to make disciples. Therefore, we are committed to do just that. Locally, we strive to help people know and follow Jesus more through our local discipleship ministries. Apart from gathering as a whole, we gather weekly in smaller group settings to study God’s Word and seek to apply the truth of His Word to their lives in a more personal setting, for His glory.

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Reunión de Adoración

La reunión de la iglesia en adoración es esencial para la salud espiritual general del pueblo de Dios. Como iglesia, intentamos lograr dos cosas principales en nuestras reuniones corporativas, queremos glorificar a Dios y queremos animarnos unos a otros. Glorificamos a Dios cuando nos reunimos semanalmente como iglesia y declaramos nuestro amor por el Señor y nuestra dependencia de él.
