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Genesis 1–3 | Delighting in His Design
Main Idea: The Triune God created man and woman in His image to exercise dominion over the earth through distinct and complementary roles. Yet, because of sin, a curse came upon the world that distorted God’s design until Christ came to reverse the curse. 1. Delighting in our Designer - Gen. 1 Our God is a Trinitarian God _______________________ Our God is a Trinitarian God -Equality in the Trinity -Distinction in the Trinity -Creates out of the overflow of His fullness, goodness, and generosity. ____________________ 2. Delighting in His Design - Gen. 2:15-25 -Equality of man and woman (Man and woman created in God’s image) -Man and woman have equal value and dignity, and both reflect His glory -Man and woman both given Creation Mandate ________________ -Distinction between man and woman (God’s design for man): -The Lord formed the man first as representative of the human race (2:7-8) -The Lord formed the man “from the dust of the ground” and put him in the garden to “work it” and “keep it.” (2:15) -Adam was given the responsibility to maintain the holiness of the garden (2:16) (God’s design for woman): -The Lord formed the woman "from the man" to be “a helper fit for him.” Or “a helper corresponding to him.” (v. 18-21) -Adam names his wife “woman” (ishshah) showing equality and interdependence (3:23) __________________ 3. Distortion in His Design God-given roles and differences are distorted at the fall, but not created. The curse is reversed by the One who would crush Satan’s head (3:15) God’s design re-created and renewed only in Christ ___________________ Response: 1. "Taste and see that the Lord is good" (Psalm 34:8) -Be with Him daily in His word. 2. Seek ways to flourish in the design and roles that God has given to you. -Men: as humble, diligent, loving, initiative-taking servants who are zealous to protect and uphold God’s Word. -Women: as life-giving, strong, compassionate helpers.
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