Adult Ministry

equipping for the work of ministry

Adult Ministry at First Irving

At First Irving our mission to make disciples for God’s glory drives all our ministry because this is what the Scriptures teaches the church has been commissioned to do (Matt 28:18-20). We believe this work includes the proclamation of the Gospel and the building up of believers into maturity. Thus, our aim is to partner with God and His work in Irving and the surrounding cities.

We believe the Scriptures provide a compass for how the church accomplishes the work of ministry. First, through the equipping of the saints and second, by the saints carrying out of the ministry (Eph 4:13). This type of ministry leads the church to love and care for one another the way God designed it too, until we all attain a unity of faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

We exist to make disciples locally and globally for the glory of God


Our discipleship ministry looks to equip the saints for the work of ministry and this is done through the teaching of God's Word. There are a variety of different venues that this occurs within our church and below you'll see some of our primary venues for this ministry.

Corporate Worship

The primary means of discipleship and equipping takes place in the Corporate Worship Service. When we gather we are built up together through the preaching of the Word, in our corporate prayer and singing and in our partaking of the ordinances together. You can learn more about our services and what to expect below.

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Sunday School

On Sunday mornings have two different formats for our Sunday School, ABFs and Seminars. One format looks to walk through a book of the Bible and the other looks to teach on our hermenutic of reading God's Word, a specific doctrine, or even the practical application of a particular truth from God's Word. The aim of this hour is to teach and equip the church for the work of ministry until we all achieve maturity in Jesus Christ.

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Other Venues

There are a number of different other venues that we look to equip the church for the work of ministry. At times these take place in conferences, one day gatherings, or even through some of the venues below. Visit our church calendar to be up to date for all of these opportunities.

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At First Irving, we equip the saints so that they can participate and join in the work of ministry. This ministry involves loving, caring, and serving for one another in the number of ways that God’s Word commands us. There are different avenues that this is accomplished, including some mentioned above, but below are some ways we want to highlight.

Community Groups

Our Community Groups are a place to be built up by God’s Word and also a venue for the ministry of the "one another’s" to take place. These groups allow for us to know and ministry to other members of the church. These groups are multi-generational and are made up of members in the different life stages within our church.

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Ministry to Men and Women

There are a number of venues where we both equip and minister to one another. One of these ways is through our men and women ministries. At these gathering we dedicate specific time to teach a particular truth, while allowing for men and women to minister to one another. Learn more below.

Ministry to Women Ministry to Men

Serving at First Irving

A practical way we minister to one another is through service. There are a number of formal ways to serve the church and there are informal ways to serve. You can learn about ways to serve both our church and the community below.

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