First Irving Women

equipping women to make disciples for the glory of God

First Irving Women exists to ignite a passion in the hearts of women for authentic fellowship, engaging discipleship, and intentional in living out the love of Christ in Irving and around the world. We are a diverse group of women from all stages and walks of life who desire to grow in our relationships with Jesus Christ and one another.

We invite you to join our community through Bible study, prayer, or special events that we offer throughout the year. Please explore the links to your right to find your place in the First Irving Women’s Ministry. We have saved a seat for you!


The women of First Irving will gather together on Saturday, March 29th to learn the art of homemade bread baking. In addition to a time in the Word examining how Jesus is the true Bread of Life, a full demonstration with detailed instruction on baking bread will be paired with a time of food and fellowship. The aim of the time will be in equipping the female saints of the church to serve and love one another with hospitality and generosity.

Dates: March 29th , 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall


Let's Connect

There are a number of ways our women gather to minister and encourage one another. For upcoming events and more information about this ministry, you can follow us on Instagram.

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If you would like more information about our ministry and how we look to equip you to make disciples for the glory of God, feel free to contact us, we would love to meet with you.

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Upcoming Events

March 29 Women

The Art of Homemade Bread Making

Saturday | 8:30am | First Irving - Fellowship Hall