Family Worship

Resources and Tools

Family Worship

Family worship is the daily practice of honoring God within the home. The aim of Family Worship is to teach our family who God is and to instruct them in His ways. While there is not an explicit command to practice family worship, there are patterns and examples all throughout the Scriptures. Abraham is commanded to teach his children to keep the way of the Lord (Gen. 18:17-19). Moses commands parents to teach children to love the Lord with all their heart and all that was commanded in the Lord (Deut. 6:4-9). Joshua was resolved that his family would serve and worship the Lord (Josh. 24:15). But even in the New Testament we are given commands that husbands should sanctify their wives with the Word (Eph. 5:25-26).

Scripture commands us to teach its truths to one another, our children, and our spouses, regardless of our household makeup. Whether an individual, couple, or family, we are called to worship the almighty God. This practice typically includes three core elements: reading, praying, and singing the Bible.

FAQ on Family Worship

"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children..."

Deuteronomy 6:4-7a

The Elements of Family Worship

Family Worship best takes place within the rhythm of your home when your family already gathers together, maybe before everyone leaves in the morning, before bedtime or at a meal. Historically, Family Worship occurred twice, once in the morning to prepare the family for the day and once in the evening.

The length will vary depending on the age of the children and the practice. It might be shorter with families with toddlers than with teenagers. The morning might be a quicker time of reading a psalm or proverb and prayer (5-10min), with the evening being a more intentional time (15-20 min).


Read God's Word

The Scriptures teach that only Christ has the words of eternal life, and these words are found throughout the Bible (Jn 6:68). The Bible instructs us that it is His Word that revives our souls, enlightens our eyes, and brings joy to our hearts (Ps 119:7-11). Moreover, the Scriptures clearly demonstrate that we are to diligently teach the truths of God to our families, meditating on them day and night (Deut 6:4-9, Ps 1:1-2). For this reason, reading and teaching God's Word is an essential component of Family Worship. Below is a example of how to use God's Word in Family Worship.

Sample of Family Worship


Pray God's Word

As believers, we recognize God as our Heavenly Father, and we express our reliance on Him through prayer. The ACTS acrostic - Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication - provides a useful framework to guide our families in prayer. These prayerful moments offer valuable opportunities to teach our loved ones about the greatness of our God and to lead them in worshiping His name.


Sing God's Word

God has gifted us with singing as a powerful means to teach and encourage one another with the truths of His Word. The Scriptures exhort us to sing of the Lord's steadfast love and faithfulness, making them known to future generations (Ps 89:1). They also instruct us that singing songs, hymns, and spiritual songs is one way for God's Word to take root deeply in our hearts. By hiding Scripture in our hearts through song, we can effectively impart its truths to our families.

A few resources to help you in this element, we've provided a playlist made up of songs that we sing or even desire to sing on Sunday morning as well as a digital Song Book that can be used in Family Worship.

'Songs we Sing' on Spotify

View Song Book

Family Ministry: Resources for the Week

Within our Family Ministries, the conviction that parents are the primary disciple makers drives all of our efforts, including our Sunday morning lessons. Our desire is to provide resources from the previous Sunday's lesson that can used at home to continue to reinforce the truths of the Bible in the hearts of our children.