Advent with First Irving

"He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High."

Corporate Worship on Christmas Eve*

When: Dec. 24 at 10:45 AM (English) & 12:30 PM (Español)
Where: Sanctuary

This year Christmas Eve falls on the Lord’s Day. This will bring such significance to our morning worship service this day. We will gather together at our normal times for Corporate worship (English & Spanish) and extend a special welcome to our children who will all gather with us in worship! We will sing songs and carols that the whole family will know, pray corporately together, and unpack the Scriptures with prayerful hopes that every heart will adore our glorious Christ on Christmas. Don’t miss gathering with the saints on the morning of Christmas Eve!

*There will be no Preschool, Kid's Ministry, or ABF available on this day.

Christmas Eve Service*

When: Dec. 24 at 5:00 PM
Where: Sanctuary

After our church family gathers together for morning worship we will come back together on the evening of December 24th at 5pm in the sanctuary to have a simple service of lessons and carols centered around our Savior’s first coming and designed to deepen and sharpen our spiritual-mindedness on the Eve of Christmas. We desire our church family to worship Christ well on Christmas and this service is designed to do help us do just that. For this service, come especially ready to lift your voice in song to our worthy Savior as we desire for the word of Christ to dwell in us richly on Christmas.

*There will be no Preschool or Kid's Ministry