
Making Disciples both Locally and Globally

We take seriously the command to make disciples of all nations.

This translates not only to the city of Irving, but to every part of the world. As a church we want to heed the call to make disciples both locally and globally, and we desire to do the for the glory of God. We work out our Global Disciple-Making through three methods: Ministry Partnerships, Short-Term Mission Trips, and Church Planting.

How Do We Break Down Our Outreach?

Ministry Partnerships

Jesus' call for the church to disciple all is a large task, and no church should go it alone. In order to fulfill the great commission, we believe that the body at First Irving must come along side other organizations. Therefore, we partner with many different churches and ministries around the world to spread the Gospel in a greater way than any church can do alone. Some of our partners include:

Short-Term Trips

Though we partner with many amazing workers and organizations across the globe, we believe it is also beneficial to put our very own members on the ground to share the Gospel face to face. Short-Term trips can be extremely beneficial in the lives of those ministering and being ministered to. They have also helped solidify the calling of the Spirit on many of our members to full-time mission work in those very same countries.

If you would like to serve on one of our Short-Term mission trips, we ask the following:

  • You must be a member of First Irving
  • You must attend the mandatory interest meeting for your desired mission trip.
  • You must fundraise the necessary capital for the trip
  • You must attend at least the minimum requirement of team meetings.
For more information about our mission strategies or how to serve, contact Justin Flores