Acts 27:1–28:10 | Safe in the Storm
Blair Robinson | December 15, 2024
Scripture: Acts 27:1–28:10
Main Idea. Holdfast to Christ in the storm, for He not only makes promises but faithfully keeps them. Driving Question. In what ways can God’s word be trusted during difficult storms? 1. He Makes Promises of Passage Through the Storm (13–26) Applications. Hold tight to the Lord’s words and promises despite living in seasons where you succumb to injury or loss. Remember the Lord who rules the sea. 2. His Promises Consist of Provision During the Shipwreck (27–44) Consider the Lord’s provision in this shipwreck. He provides his promise again of protection and life (34). He provides the bread for strength to swim, which they thank God for (34–36). He provided land at the perfect time (39). He provides a piece of wood to float on (44). Paul’s fourth shipwreck! (2 Cor 11). 3. His Promises Include Protection In the Serpent’s Bite (28:1–10) Gospel Takeaways. 1. Jesus is the reason we can take courage, for no one’s life will be lost who believes his word (Jn 3:16). 2. Jesus is the protection from the ultimate storm, the wrath of God against sin (Matt 24:37–39; Rom 5:9). 3. Jesus provides deliverance and new land (Rev 21:5). 4. Jesus is the bread from heaven for which we give thanks (Jn 6:22–59). 5. Jesus is the antidote for the snake bite (Gen 3:15; Gal 3:13; Gal 4:4). Response. 1. Obey, and do not be idle. 2. Trust, and hold to his word. 3. Identify specific promises in Scripture and apply them. 4. Practice giving thanks daily for his provision.