Preschool Ministry

Starting The Race Set Before Us

First Irving Preschool

The preschool ministry at First Irving is designed for your child to grow just as Jesus grew, like Luke 2:52 tell us! He grew mentally (in wisdom), physically (in stature), socially/emotionally (in favor with man), and spiritually (in favor with God). On Sunday mornings, we seek to achieve this growth in your child through singing, dancing, and activity-based teaching that is always rooted in the Word of God. Our teaching is focused on helping your child understand these fundamental truths:

  • God Made Everything
  • God is in Charge of Everything
  • God is Good
  • Jesus Came to Save Sinners
  • God Wants to Talk With Us

We equip and assist families to make disciples of their children for the glory of God.


The primary way that we believe that parents can disciple their children is through the practice of Family Worship. Family Worship is the daily practice of the worship of God in the home that is led by the parents. There are three basic elements of Family Worship: read, pray, and sing. Our desire is to equip our parents to lead their homes in the worship of God. So whether your family encompasses babies, children, youth, or all of the above we want to help encourage you in this endeavor. Below are resources on Family Worship in the home.

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Family Worship Resources


First Irving Preschool exists to equip and assist parents in the discipleship of their children for the glory of God. This means that we view our ministry on campus as a supplement to the discipleship that should be occurring in the home. Our responsibility is to come along side parents to equip and train them on how to disciple their children in the fear of the Lord. We have created a simple document with more information about our ministry to help families with kids who are visiting our church.

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The Jesus Story Book Bible

There are a few purpose of implementing the Jesus Story Book. The curriculum makes God the main character of each story. Our desire is to read and teach the Bible to our preschoolers with the idea that God has given us His Word so we might know him and His saving acts.

This curriculum also maintains the harmony and unity of the Bible. From Genesis to Revelation, each story and section is connected together to teach us about how God would provide a Seed that would crush the head of the serpent to reconcile men and women back to Himself. This curriculum makes Jesus the key to understanding both the Old and New Testaments.

Lastly, we look to create resources for use in the home. This curriculum helps us to encourage families that are newer to the concept of family worship to begin its practice with a curriculum that we can create helpful additional resources that are accessible in the home.

View Our Year Plan


Song We Learn and Sing

Each quarter our Children Ministries learn a song from our corporate worship services. The Preschool Ministry participates in Large Group twice a month and we sing our current song together, often accompanied with a guitar. The current song is also included on a playlist of songs we have previously learned which is background music during snack time. The Kid's Ministry participates in Large Group to start each Sunday morning which includes singing our current song as part of a rotation of other songs we have learned. The aim of these practices is to help our parents prepare their children to be active participants in corporate worship.

Learn our Songs



First Irving offers two distinct Christ-centered learning environments for your child. Our first is Kid's Day Out, which mirrors a "Mother's Day Out" program. Classes meet two days each week on Monday's and Friday's from 9:00 AM to 2:45 PM. Our second is Children's Discovery Center, which is a five day a week Christian Montessori based curriculum for pre-kindergarten and kindergarten beginning at age three years old through six year olds. Both of these schools are great ways to facilitate education centered around the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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Meet the Preschool Team

Alicia Frick

Alicia Frick

Children’s Ministry Director
Email Alicia
Leann Callaway

Leann Callaway

Family Ministry Assistant
Email Leann
Jenny Norris

Jenny Norris

Children's Ministry Assistant
Email Jenny