1 Timothy 1:12–17 | The Savior of the Church
Blair Robinson | January 19, 2025
Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:12–17
Main Point. Christ came to save sinners, and His great mercy leads to the praise of God our King. Three Driving Questions today. 1. What is the very center of Christianity? 2. What can we learn about God? 3. How do we respond? 1. What is the very center of Christianity? Observations of this “saying” (the gospel). The saying is trustworthy. The saying is deserving of full acceptance. The saying is about Jesus Christ. The saying is for sinners. Apply. Humble yourself and have an accurate view of your own sinfulness. Relish in the truth that Christ came to save. Memorize these nine words and trust them. Repent and trust in Jesus, for He alone can reconcile sinners to God. Two reasons Paul receives this mercy. 1. Paul was ignorantly in unbelief. 2. Paul receives mercy that God might display his perfect patience. 2. What do we learn about God from this passage? 1. He is King (17) - Immortal - Invisible - The Only God And because of these things… he is Worthy of Eternal Glory and Honor 2. He Providers (strength) (12) 3. He Appoints (whoever he wants) (12) 4. He Gives Mercy (to the ignorant zealot) (13) 5. He Overflows with Grace (even for the dreadful sinner) (13-14) 6. He is Patient (even with the most vile) (15) 7. He is Savior (and it’s trustworthy) (15) 3. How are we to respond? 1. Thanksgiving (13). 2. Testifying (14–16). 3. Humbly(16) 4. Praising Him (17)