1 Timothy 4:6–10 | The Training of the Church
Blair Robinson | March 23, 2025
Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:6–10
Main Point. The whole Church is to train for godliness with hope in the living God. Driving Question. What does our spiritual training entail? 1. Train in the words of faith (6) Applications: Godly ministers who teach: feed others with the word, and feed themselves on the word. In what particular ways is the word nourishing you these days? 2. Train for godliness (7–9) How do you train yourself for spiritual growth? Recognize that God says you should give conscious attention to your spiritual growth (this is important). Regather for Lord’s Day worship with your brothers and sisters (nourishment and communion with saints). Run alongside others (communion with saints). Read the Bible (know and learn about God). Respond with obedience and good works (practice his character). Regular prayer in communion with God (talk with God). Remember your efforts don’t justify you before God (trust in Christ). 3. Train with hope set on the Living God (10) Takeaways. Confession and repentance. Christ is our righteousness. Consider the corporate application (v.6). Condition the heart for godliness.